The 5W2H method is based on using a checklist to clearly plan and specify the execution of a process’ activities.
The 5W2H method is based on using a checklist to clearly plan and specify the execution of a process’ activities.
Understand the 5S methodology, how it works, and how to implement each of its phases in the workplace.
Usability is the capacity of a product to be used by people to achieve their goals efficiently in a specific context.
The employee integration process, also called onboarding, is essential for companies to succeed. Learn more about it.
Key Users are the focal point for knowledge dissemination about the tools and rules of a business process. Check out their required competencies.
An electronic signature is a tool used to make a person sign an agreement to a certain digital document.
Customer service indicators are methodologies capable of providing the information needed to obtain competitive advantages.
BPO is responsible for performing the company’s important activities and processes, but which are not linked to its core product.
The core business is the focus of your company, what you do best, and the reason your enterprise came into being.