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Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

Imagine how convenient it would be to receive a contract from a foreign partner and have it translated automatically. After all, as global business landscapes become increasingly interconnected, why should language remain a barrier?Neomind’s Fusion Platform offers an advanced solution for instant document translation, leveraging Artificial Intelligence to convert text into multiple languages within seconds. […]

Ebooks & tools

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Ebook] Intagrated Management Platform

Companies aiming to boost their businesses and achieve better results need to invest in integrated management of information, processes, indicators, communication, and professionals.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Ebook] BPM in Riks Management

Risk Management is the best way to mitigate the impact of uncertainties and seize opportunities over time.

Download our complete study now and see how BPM can be your ally in Risk Management or access the link in our profile.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Ebook] 8 Steps to Improve Efficiency in the Administrative Department

The pursuit of efficiency is unanimous, and all areas need to focus on improving their performance and productivity. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive study, consisting of quick steps, to assist you in enhancing the efficiency of your business’s administrative department.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Ebook] BPMN Guide

The objective of this ebook is to give you a comprehensive introduction to BPMN, explain how a flow can be demonstrated visually and what its elements are, as well as show examples of its applications and formats.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Ebook] Process Automation Guide

Download the ebook and see the reasons for automating it’s processes, the benefits generated, how your implementation happens and which platform to choose.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Ebook] Return Flow

In this ebook, you will learn how technology can be your ally in the process, see examples of what the tool can do in the practical aspect of a process, and get tips for choosing the right tool.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Infographic] Hyperautomation

Much has been said about Hyperautomation, and indeed, this tool or combination of tools will be essential for the future of businesses. With that in mind, we have prepared this material for you to learn about all the advantages.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Infographic] Supply Chain

Discover the secrets behind the efficiency of the supply chain in this comprehensive infographic! Understand how technology can boost your supply chain management and explore key strategies that drive success, from tracking KPIs to risk management.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Ebook] How BPMS Assists in Audits

An audit is a meticulous examination of activities conducted within an organization. It is essential for preserving the characteristics of the workflow as described in its mapping. Learn why BPMS is a powerful tool in Audits.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Ebook] Case de sucesso no Município do Rio de Janeiro

Neste ebook, você irá descobrir a importância da transformação digital no setor público, além de conhecer na prática o case do Rio Janeiro com dados atualizados sobre as melhorias trazidas ao município com o uso do Fusion Platform.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Ebook] Macroprocesses

Learn how macroprocesses unify not only processes, but also sectors and employees from different areas.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Infographic] Business Management Systems

ERP, BPM, ECM, HRM, SCM, which one to adopt? This infographic will help you out understanding the difference between them and choosing the one that better fits your company’s needs.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Checklist] What to consider while choosing a BPMS platform

We want you to take the right decision when picking a BPMS, that’s why we’ve put together this checklist of important criteria to help you select the ideal solution. Download the checklist and compare BPMS solutions side by side to find the right one for your business.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

[Infographic] The benefits of adopting Fusion Platform

We know that the demands of an organization are diverse, among the main ones are the management of processes, documents, indicators, in addition to the collaboration and integration of the business as a whole. Point-to-point, learn why Fusion Platform is the best choice for your business!

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

ROI calculator for BPM projetcs

Download our spreadsheet and clarify the value of investing on a BPM project. What’s the expected return, considering the proposed investment? Sometimes to calculate the return on investment in a BPM project can be a complex task. To help you in this mission, we develop a complete ROI calculator!

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

7 commom mistakes in Process Management

When implementing management oriented to business process, we aim to increase productivity, optimize time, identify bottlenecks, etc. However, it is necessary to pay attention to some common mistakes in this phase. Find out in this e-book what these errors are and learn how to avoid them with the tips of our consultants.

Automating Document Translation with Fusion Platform

The role of BPM in industry

Thinking of helping your company stand out in the market, we prepared this ebook about the importance of process management for industries and how the right tool can help your business to evolve.


Other materials

The role of BPM  in industry

[Template] Ciclo PDCA para gestão de processos

O ciclo PDCA é essencial na gestão de processos para identificar problemas, implementar soluções e monitorar resultados. Baixe o template e aplique na prática essa metodologia para gestão dos seus processos!

The role of BPM  in industry

[Infográfico] Sistemas de Gestão de Empresas

Quando falamos em sistemas de gestão de empresas temos algumas variedades de siglas: ERP, BPM, ECM, HRM e por aí vai. Você sabe exatamente para qual área ou processo da empresa cada sistema se aplica? Para ajudar você a desvendar esse universo, criamos um infográfico que vai esclarecer suas dúvidas de uma vez por todas.

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